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Museum-iD Magazine #21

FREE Digital Edition of Museum-iD magazine, Issue 21

Articles featured in issue 21

Future Museum: Cabinet of Curiosity Reboot for the 21st Century
Tonya Nelson – Head of Museums and Collections at University College London – on how museums of the future can use digital technology to reach a public with an appetite for knowledge and information, and a real craving for social, political and economic change

Future Museum: Finding New Perspectives and Relevance
Ros Croker – Endeavour Learning Project Manager at the National Maritime Museum – on how museums of the future will have to listen better to their audiences, be open to challenge and change, and become better conversationalists and collaborators

Future Museum: Generating Debate and Offering Paths Forward
Whitney Donhauser – Director and President of the Museum of the City of New York – on how museums can generate discussion and debate about the present and future of our society and offer paths forward based on innovative local and global solutions

Collecting and Displaying a Refugee’s Life Jacket
Bryan Sitch – Curator of Archaeology and Deputy Head of Collections at Manchester Museum – on why collecting and displaying a refugee’s life jacket helps promote understanding between different cultures and how it is part of a project to reinvigorate collecting

Activism, Homelessness and a New Kind of Museum
Jess Turtle and Matt Turtle – co-founders of the UK’s first Museum of Homelessness – on developing a museum on the basis of a social need rather than to preserve an inherited collection of objects

The Museum as Host in a Polarised World
Tony Butler – Executive Director of Derby Museums Trust and Founder of the Happy Museum Project – on why museums must use their unique qualities to bridge divisions and become conveners in a contested world

Should Museums Have a Personality?
Russell Dornan – Digital Producer at V&A Museum of Design Dundee and until recently Web Editor for Wellcome Collection – on why tone and voice are crucial online and what it means to funnel a museum’s online presence through a unique filter: ourselves

Everything Anywhere: Welcome to Your New Life as a Platform
Jonas Heide Smith – Head of Digital at SMK, The National Gallery of Denmark – on why museums need to be more reductionist yet more disorganized in order to succeed in the digital world

The Stories We Tell and the Right to Remember
Bonita Bennett – Director of the District Six Museum in Cape Town, South Africa – on how the museum can be a place of healing and hope, of restitution, celebration, and the re-energising of resilience

The Migration Museum Project
Emily Miller – Head of Learning and Partnerships at the Migration Museum Project – on establishing a national cultural institution exploring the role that migration has played in shaping the UK

Habemus. Let´s Hack the Museums
Christian Diaz – coordinator of HABEMUS – a volunteer project of the Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca, Argentina – on how a radio programme jointly constructed with listeners is helping to create new connections with the public

Never Going Underground: The Fight for LGBT+ Rights
Catherine O’Donnell – Programme Manager at the People’s History Museum in Manchester – on telling the stories of diverse lived experience and embedding co-production within their core strategic work

#ArchiveLottery: Randomly Opening Up Archaeology
Adam Corsini – Archaeology Collections Manager at the Museum of London – on using social media to open up collections and challenge staff to find new methods of engagement

Projects featured in issue 21:

V&A Exhibition Road Quarter
The V&A’s largest architectural intervention in over 100 years creates a dramatic new entrance and vast new gallery space

Frost Science
Frost Science in Miami combines planetarium, aquarium and museum to create a sophisticated science and technology campus

National Army Museum
Transformation of National Army Museum aims to focus on public engagement and giving visitors the opportunity to voice their opinions

Musée d’arts de Nantes 
Extension and transformation of the Musée d’arts de Nantes creates an exquisite and welcoming contemporary space

The Garden Museum
Cleverly housed within the church of St Mary’s-at-Lambeth, the Garden Museum re-opens after £7.5 million re-development project

Art Fund Museum of the Year 
Winner and finalists of the £100,000 Museum of the Year – the largest arts award in Britain and the biggest museum prize in the world

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