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How to Create Next Generation Museum Experiences — 7 February 2023

© Reel Store

In this study day you will co-create your own new kinds of future museum experience. The workshop will let you learn through hands-on experience about next generation museum experiences, emerging technologies, co-design practise and ways to build audience centred innovation into your work.

Discover how the technologies maturing in the next ten years will reshape what it means to be a museum more than any others in the last 250 years. As the internet merges with the physical world, 5G telecoms, AI, blockchain, robotics and more offer us the chance to rethink the relationship between people, institutions and objects.

How to Create Next Generation Museum Experiences
Study Day, 7 February 2023, Wellcome Collection, London

Workshop leader: Chris Michaels is Director of Reel Store, the UK’s first dedicated gallery of digital and immersive arts. Until recently Chris was Director of Digital, Communications and Technology at The National Gallery, London, where he founded National Gallery X, a creative R+D programme and innovation studio. Chris is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow at King’s College London, has a PhD from the University of Bristol, and an MPA in Innovation and Public Purpose from University College London.

Study Day Format: Working in small groups with a welcoming and informal atmosphere, study day participants will benefit from expert guidance and support coupled with hands-on, practical sessions. How to Create Next Generation Museum Experiences takes place at Wellcome Collection on Tuesday 7 February 2023.

Book tickets: Click ‘Select options’ below to book your place on the study day. Tickets are available on a sliding scale from £177 – £137. Book with colleagues for multiple delegate discounts. Book your ticket online below or email if you prefer to be invoiced.

20% of tickets are available at a reduced rate for museum workers who may often be excluded from training and professional development opportunities, including people of colour, LGBTQ+ and working class members of staff, people with a disability, front of house staff, students, freelancers, those working at small independent museums, and people new to the sector. Reduced rate tickets are £97 – email to check availability and to book a ticket at the reduced rate.

Tickets are non-refundable but may be swapped between colleagues at the same organisation and between different study days (if places are available). If the workshop is postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions your ticket remains valid for the rescheduled date.

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